Design (Architecture / Interior Design): seukhoonkim / Seuk Hoon Kim
Construction: AZ S&B / Dongju Shin
Coordinator: Heesun Yoo
Location: Gyeonggido, Korea
Material: Paint, White Epoxy, Wood Flooring, Wood Veneer, Tile
Area: 187 sqm
Image Courtesy of Rami Hyun (www.ramistudio.com)
21 Century Korea has been the most rapidly developed country compared to no other in Asia, and the trend-sensitive Korea market has been the first testing spot for the global corporations of their launching items. As to this, Korea housing market is also showing a fast change as it is reflecting the rapid trend of consumer lifestyle. People started to avoid standardized apartments and have interest in townhouses, duplex houses, and later on thinking of efficiency with passive houses. Along with this flow, this project will introduce a new possibility of showing an alternative residential prototype of transforming existing duplex house as it will satisfy the change of consumer needs.
Built 23 years ago, and had been abandoned for the last 8 years, the key point of remodeling this wrecked duplex house was to melt the two unit and combine into a new set of space composition. The needs of the client were added to this existing space forming variety combinations of plan study, and the most applicable space composition was made. For the elevation, some of the previous masonry walls were left showing the contrast of ‘old’ and ‘new’ as they melt into each other forming an unique new space. Considering on human scale, variety sizes of space division were applied to the ‘new’ wall allowing the client’s life to melt into this ‘space canvas’ and showing harmony one another.
Especially for the design of the facade, the human activities were studied that would be expected to be held within the interior spaces. With digital computational calculation of louver module design, the study was applied to the portion of the facade that corresponded with the space of the interior.
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